Gap year and Summer travel programs for teens

The ARCC Difference

Designing and Operating Programs Exclusively for Students for 40 Years

As a result, ARCC is looked to as the standard for delivering quality, fulfilling and enriching programs for our participants. What we have learned over the decades is that successfully operating these types of programs, year after year, is not an accident.

Superb Program Design

Superbly planned programs are a hallmark of ARCC Programs. Almost every minute of every ARCC program is planned in detail. Some ARCC programs are planned years in advance of their departures — a monumental challenge — but one that pays off immensely for our students.

Unique and Unforgettable Experiences

ARCC is committed to providing unique and life-changing experiences that resonate deep within our students. On our programs, our students venture far off the beaten path, go to places and do things that most people can only dream about. We’ve spent forty years building close relationships with organizations and communities around the world to ensure our students engage in truly intimate, authentic encounters with the people, the cultures and the lands they visit.

Rich Educational

Education is an essential part of the ARCC experience. Lessons throughout the program may be academic, in the form of the trip curriculum, or may be experiential, delivered through immersion in new ideas and situations.

Community-Driven Projects

ARCC Summer and Gap programs focus on community-driven and community-led sustainable projects that run on the ground year round. We invest in local communities by working with in-country partners and individuals who know the needs of the community and help provide quality projects that directly benefit the places we visit. We prioritize grassroots organizations that allow students to have hands-on experiences, while building meaningful relationships with community members.

Exceptional Trip Leaders

ARCC Summer Program Leaders average 24-25 years old, while ARCC Gap Instructors average 27-28 years old. Our leaders and instructors are exceptional individuals of extraordinary character and experience. Selected from many hundreds of highly qualified applicants, ARCC leaders are enthusiastic about serving others, and most importantly, working with teenagers and helping our students thrive.

Extensive Risk Management Protocols

We believe strongly in being proactive about the safety of our students and have extensive protocols in place to manage the inherent risks of operating our programs around the world. Every one of our leaders is required to go through an intensive 80-hour medical training ensuring they can foster a safe environment for all students and act appropriately in the case of emergency.

Quality Participants

ARCC students want to be on our programs and arrive ready to immerse themselves in this extraordinary experience. We screen references from every prospective student and only accept those we believe will be positive and enthusiastic group members.

Small Group Sizes

ARCC groups consist of no more than eighteen students for summer programs and no more than thirteen during Gap semesters and each group is led by two ARCC leaders. This makes them the perfect size for programs of this nature. Our programming is designed so that we make as small an imprint as possible on the areas and communities we visit. By limiting the size of our groups, each student gets a much more personal experience during the program. In addition, our leaders cherish the time they have getting to know each student so well, which helps them better tailor the program to meet individual needs.